May 2, 2012


Tarzan is a child with his family shipwrecked on the coast of Africa. To survive into the jungle,  where his parents built a house on top of a tree. Meanwhile, a pack of gorillas, including Kerchak (the dominant male) and Kala care of your little baby gorilla, but is killed by Sabor (leopard), so Kerchak is severely affected. The same leopard, also kills Tarzan's parents, but sees Tarzan, leaving him alone. Kala Tarzan hears the cries, rescues and adopts him as his son, but refuses Kerchak. Years pass, and Tarzan will be accepted by Kerchak searching to no avail, and she realizes that is different from other apes. Searching for her identity, he meets British explorers, Professor Porter, his daughter Jane Porter (which investigated the lives of the gorillas in their territory) led by Clayton, Tarzan falls in love at first sight for Jane. They discovered and realizing his situation, teach them to be have like a human, earning their trust. Comes time to return to the UK, and Tarzan asks Jane to stay, this, confused, unable to answer. Clayton, in turn, asks Tarzan to teach where the gorillas live, with sinister intentions hidden, in exchange for stays Jane, Tarzan agrees, but falls into a trap. The difficult situation is resolved thanks to Tarzan protects his pack, gaining the acceptance of "their father" Kerchak. Tarzan, when her father dies of flavor, comes to help and ends up killing the leopard as honors his father. In the end, Jane and her father stay with Tarzan in the jungle, accepting to live in the style of the African jungle.
What I like this story is:
-the loss of loved ones as Kala who lost her son or her parents Tarzán, both because of Sabor.
 -The acceptance of living even of different races.

-The friendship that had the animals in the jungle with Tarzán.

-The love felt by Jane Tarzán.

That showed the courage to protect Kerchak Tarzán being attacked when he had never accepted into the pack. 



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post. Tarzán has been one of the most impressive characters in films and books.
    there have been lots of films and the last one has become one of the most important due to the fact that its music was composed by Phil Collins. You can find some tracks on the net. If you want, you can add one of the songs to the post. Thanks again.
